RothenburgMuseum is home
to a collection of judaica including the town's most ancient headstones, the oldest one dating back to before 1200.
There are also some other headstones that have been put up in order to give the impression of a Jewish cemetery.
The outlay of this part of the museum was created with the help and input of the Heidelberg Univerity of Jewish Studies.
The headstones were retrieved by some of Rothenburgs's citizens interested in and conscious of the town's history,
so that they would be safe from destruction and also remembered.
The inscriptions on the headstones provide some ample information about Rothenburg's early Jewish citizens and their
relations to people from other places in the town's vicinity, e. g. Würzburg. The Jewish community's official seal
from the 15th century and a peel used for baking bread, both found during excavation works on the Judengasse
(Jews' Lane), are the only items left in connection with the community's everyday life.
The judaica department of the RothenburgMuseum (Imperial City Museum) Rothenburg in the former convent of the Dominican order.