Following Jewish Footsteps


A site of cruel fate concerning the early Jewish community is the castle gate, the entrance to the imperial castle, site of the town's origin. The Jewish people wanted to run for safety when they had to flee from some angry citizens after having been falsely accused of desecrating the communion wafers. However the keeper of the castle didn't open the gate for them although he was obligated to do so by law, hence the Jewish people were trapped. That's how the entire Jewish community, about 400 to 500 people of all ages, were killed outside the gate. It was the first pogrom in the town's history and is also referred to as "Rintfleischprogrom" (not only in Rothenburg, but in other parts of Southern Germany as well). It is named after the knight of the same name from a town called Röttingen in the Tauber valley.
The site of the former castle as depicted in a woodcut from the 16th century. The tower with the castle gate is labelled "BURG-THOR".
Source: RothenburgMuseum