On the one hand the pupils engaged themselves with an interesting, yet also very serious subject regarding Rothenburg's history. Because of that, citizens and tourists can now access an internet-based guide on the subject of "Jews in Rothenburg."
On the other hand creating this internet-app also provided a technical challenge to both pupils and supporting teachers of the school's IT-club who had worked on it over a period of two years prior to its launch as part of their IT-lessons.
As of October 2015, the web-app "Following Jewish Footsteps in Medieval Rothenburg" will be available to the public. The work, which also included the translation of the contents into three additional languages, has been done.
My special thanks goes to the pupils, the supporting teachers and all the other people and supporters involved in the creation of this app.
Rothenburg, 29th September 2015
Dieter Schulz
Headmaster of the Oskar-von-Miller secondary school