In 1998 the restaurant proprietors of Rothenburg had a stone crafted in order to commemorate the first pogrom.
It is there to remind people of the killing of the town's first Jewish community in 1298, today referred to as
"Rintfleischpogrom": An impoverished knight started the pogrom with a lie, namely stating that the Jews
had desecrated the communion wafers. He did this because he was in arrears with a debt to the Jews who had lent
him some money. In those days only Jews were allowed to work as moneylenders because by order of the Pope Christians
were still forbidden to trade in money and, more importantly, ask for interest payments.
The inscription on the commemorative stone is based on the original pogrom stone, which can be found in the
RothenburgMuseum. Beneath the replica of the stone the monument shows the German translation of the text
and the depiction of the killing of a Jewish community like it is featured in a woodcut in the "Schedelschen
Weltchronik" (a.k.a Nuremberg Chronicle).
About 10 % of Rothenburg's population, more than 400 people of all ages, fell victim to this pogrom, which some
courageous citizens of Rothenburg had tried to prevent.
Fragment of the commemorative stone from 1298, RothenburgMuseum.